63 research outputs found

    Oscillation-free Quantization for Low-bit Vision Transformers

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    Weight oscillation is an undesirable side effect of quantization-aware training, in which quantized weights frequently jump between two quantized levels, resulting in training instability and a sub-optimal final model. We discover that the learnable scaling factor, a widely-used de facto\textit{de facto} setting in quantization aggravates weight oscillation. In this study, we investigate the connection between the learnable scaling factor and quantized weight oscillation and use ViT as a case driver to illustrate the findings and remedies. In addition, we also found that the interdependence between quantized weights in query\textit{query} and key\textit{key} of a self-attention layer makes ViT vulnerable to oscillation. We, therefore, propose three techniques accordingly: statistical weight quantization (StatsQ\rm StatsQ) to improve quantization robustness compared to the prevalent learnable-scale-based method; confidence-guided annealing (CGA\rm CGA) that freezes the weights with high confidence\textit{high confidence} and calms the oscillating weights; and query\textit{query}-key\textit{key} reparameterization (QKR\rm QKR) to resolve the query-key intertwined oscillation and mitigate the resulting gradient misestimation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that these proposed techniques successfully abate weight oscillation and consistently achieve substantial accuracy improvement on ImageNet. Specifically, our 2-bit DeiT-T/DeiT-S algorithms outperform the previous state-of-the-art by 9.8% and 7.7%, respectively. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/nbasyl/OFQ.Comment: Proceedings of the 40 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. PMLR 202, 202

    Efficient Quantization-aware Training with Adaptive Coreset Selection

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    The expanding model size and computation of deep neural networks (DNNs) have increased the demand for efficient model deployment methods. Quantization-aware training (QAT) is a representative model compression method to leverage redundancy in weights and activations. However, most existing QAT methods require end-to-end training on the entire dataset, which suffers from long training time and high energy costs. Coreset selection, aiming to improve data efficiency utilizing the redundancy of training data, has also been widely used for efficient training. In this work, we propose a new angle through the coreset selection to improve the training efficiency of quantization-aware training. Based on the characteristics of QAT, we propose two metrics: error vector score and disagreement score, to quantify the importance of each sample during training. Guided by these two metrics of importance, we proposed a quantization-aware adaptive coreset selection (ACS) method to select the data for the current training epoch. We evaluate our method on various networks (ResNet-18, MobileNetV2), datasets(CIFAR-100, ImageNet-1K), and under different quantization settings. Compared with previous coreset selection methods, our method significantly improves QAT performance with different dataset fractions. Our method can achieve an accuracy of 68.39% of 4-bit quantized ResNet-18 on the ImageNet-1K dataset with only a 10% subset, which has an absolute gain of 4.24% compared to the baseline.Comment: Code: https://github.com/HuangOwen/QAT-AC


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    In the title compound, C18H18O4, the dihedral angle between the mean planes of the aromatic rings is 7.39 (6)°. The dihedral angles between the linking C—C=C—C plane and the phenyl and benzene rings are 11.27 (5) and 4.20 (5)°, respectively

    Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-bit CNNs With Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm

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    In this work, we study the 1-bit convolutional neural networks (CNNs), of which both the weights and activations are binary. While being efficient, the classification accuracy of the current 1-bit CNNs is much worse compared to their counterpart real-valued CNN models on the large-scale dataset, like ImageNet. To minimize the performance gap between the 1-bit and real-valued CNN models, we propose a novel model, dubbed Bi-Real net, which connects the real activations (after the 1-bit convolution and/or BatchNorm layer, before the sign function) to activations of the consecutive block, through an identity shortcut. Consequently, compared to the standard 1-bit CNN, the representational capability of the Bi-Real net is significantly enhanced and the additional cost on computation is negligible. Moreover, we develop a specific training algorithm including three technical novelties for 1- bit CNNs. Firstly, we derive a tight approximation to the derivative of the non-differentiable sign function with respect to activation. Secondly, we propose a magnitude-aware gradient with respect to the weight for updating the weight parameters. Thirdly, we pre-train the real-valued CNN model with a clip function, rather than the ReLU function, to better initialize the Bi-Real net. Experiments on ImageNet show that the Bi-Real net with the proposed training algorithm achieves 56.4% and 62.2% top-1 accuracy with 18 layers and 34 layers, respectively. Compared to the state-of-the-arts (e.g., XNOR Net), Bi-Real net achieves up to 10% higher top-1 accuracy with more memory saving and lower computational cost. Keywords: binary neural network, 1-bit CNNs, 1-layer-per-blockComment: Accepted to European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018. Code is available on: https://github.com/liuzechun/Bi-Real-ne

    Binary and Ternary Natural Language Generation

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    Ternary and binary neural networks enable multiplication-free computation and promise multiple orders of magnitude efficiency gains over full-precision networks if implemented on specialized hardware. However, since both the parameter and the output space are highly discretized, such networks have proven very difficult to optimize. The difficulties are compounded for the class of transformer text generation models due to the sensitivity of the attention operation to quantization and the noise-compounding effects of autoregressive decoding in the high-cardinality output space. We approach the problem with a mix of statistics-based quantization for the weights and elastic quantization of the activations and demonstrate the first ternary and binary transformer models on the downstream tasks of summarization and machine translation. Our ternary BART base achieves an R1 score of 41 on the CNN/DailyMail benchmark, which is merely 3.9 points behind the full model while being 16x more efficient. Our binary model, while less accurate, achieves a highly non-trivial score of 35.6. For machine translation, we achieved BLEU scores of 21.7 and 17.6 on the WMT16 En-Ro benchmark, compared with a full precision mBART model score of 26.8. We also compare our approach in the 8-bit activation setting, where our ternary and even binary weight models can match or outperform the best existing 8-bit weight models in the literature. Our code and models are available at: https://github.com/facebookresearch/Ternary_Binary_TransformerComment: ACL 2023 Ora
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